Coaching for managing directors

Are you the managing director of a medium-sized company and looking for a coach?

Sabine Walter, Executive Coach - netzwerk managementberatung | coaching
Photo | Ania Lewandowska

I am Sabine Walter, a successful entrepreneur and experienced manager who offers coaching for managing directors and supports generational change in medium-sized companies.

Who am I?

I have a degree in business administration and am a trained systemic coach (ICF certified).

Before founding my management consultancy, I worked in industry for almost 10 years and held various management roles. I come from a family of entrepreneurs and have been a passionate entrepreneur myself for almost 20 years.

How do I work?

My self-image

Your success - my goal: My aim is to help you progress as a person and in your role.

Sparring partner and broadening horizons: I see myself as a trustworthy sparring partner for you, bringing new ways of thinking and an external perspective to the analysis and clarification of professional situations.

Sustainable further development: I work together with you on the causes and not on the symptoms. This enables us to achieve visible results in a comparatively short time.

My tools of the trade

I combine different skills and experiences:

  • Management and industry experience
  • Transformation and organisational development expertise
  • Business management expertise
  • A systemic perception
  • Visionary and strategic thinking

The coaching

In order to achieve the results you want, I use various instruments in a targeted manner:

  • Coaching
  • Sparring
  • Counselling
  • Training sessions, e.g. on communication topics
  • Energy work, e.g. when dissolving beliefs

If we work together repeatedly, you will receive a preparation task from me before the coaching sessions. In this way, we use the time in the coaching sessions productively and increase the transfer success between the coaching units.

Where do I work?

Most coaching sessions take place online via MS Teams or Zoom.

For face-to-face coaching sessions, I use premises on Lake Ammersee. If you as a managing director have suitable office premises, these can also be used for face-to-face coaching.

Managing directors value me

  • 15 years of coaching experience
  • Entrepreneur and manager
  • Industry experience
  • Trustworthy and critical sparring partner
  • Visible results

What questions can you bring to the coaching session?

Personal development

  • How do I release blocking beliefs?
  • How can I improve my ability to deal with conflict?
  • How do I avoid burnout?
  • How do I present myself convincingly in critical situations?

Corporate management / Employee management / Change management

  • How do I organise the first 100 days in the new company?
  • How do I manage to work more trustfully with the advisory board / supervisory board and shareholders?
  • How can I improve collaboration in the management team?
  • How do I get the shareholders and advisory board to back the company's reorganisation?
  • How can I win over my managers in favour of change?
  • How do I proceed with the transformation so that there is as little resistance as possible?
  • How can we become more innovative?
  • How can we become faster and more flexible in our processes?
  • Which organisational form best suits our strategy?


  • How do I communicate the strategy convincingly?
  • How do I organise communication in change/transformation processes?
  • How can I make our meetings more productive?
  • How do I communicate complex issues convincingly to different stakeholders?

Which coaching formats do I offer?

Coaching via MS Teams or Zoom Book online

Presence coaching | minimum 4 hours | request by e-mail

3 days intensive coaching | presence | request by e-mail

What should you think about in advance?

In the run-up to the first coaching session, please consider the following key questions:

  • Coaching result: What do you want to achieve through coaching?
  • Actual situation: Where do you currently stand in relation to this result?
  • Additional information: What else do I need to know at the start of the coaching session in order to be able to provide you with targeted support?

Personal development: transforming blocking beliefs

Your situation

You are a successful managing director. The market requires you to change the culture of the company together with your fellow managing directors and your management team. You want to react more flexibly to changes in the market and technology and become more innovative in various areas of the company.

For this to succeed, it is important that you learn to endure conflict and deal with resistance with confidence. You and your colleagues know that you find it difficult to deal with conflict. You are better known for immediately looking for solutions that suit everyone.

But with the cultural change you are striving for, this is a hopeless endeavour.

That's why you want to work on your desire for harmony.

Estimated scope of coaching

1 hour plus 30 days of downstream support via signal messenger or e-mail

Coaching results

  • Transformation of the underlying blocking beliefs
  • Develop your conflict management skills
  • Reduction of the desire for harmony
  • Changed conflict behaviour

Change management: leading the transformation process to success

Your situation

The entrepreneurial situation requires a far-reaching transformation process.

You know from past transformation and change processes that middle management in particular is critical of change. As a result, you have been working on the same issues for years.

Your organisation is running at the limit because your company also has too few skilled workers.

You ask yourself how you can not only initiate the overdue changes in addition to your day-to-day business, but also achieve the desired result.

Estimated scope of coaching

18-24 hours spread over 1.5 - 2 years

Coaching results

  • Objectives and the why of the transformation
  • Transparency about the impact on all parties involved
  • Transformation roadmap
  • Clarity about the composition of the core team and multipliers
  • Communication concept for the kick-off and along the transformation incl. FAQ
  • Changed attitude to change among managers and key employees
  • Coordinated organisational development measures

Leadership: Reshaping or changing the management team

Your situation

You took over the role of Managing Director in this company 6 months ago.

After working with the existing management team for six months, you realise that not everyone is up to the task. You therefore want to change the composition of the team.

However, it is important to you that this happens in a face-saving manner and that you utilise the managers who will no longer be part of the team in the company according to their strengths. After all, you value the expertise of your colleagues.

Estimated scope of coaching

6-9 hours plus 360° feedback for the members of the management team

Coaching results

  • Clarity with regard to the requirements for the management team
  • Clarity about individual strengths and competences
  • Communication concept about the reason, goal and benefits of the change
  • Preparation of employee appraisals
  • Initial approaches to quickly establish a trusting relationship within the new management team

Best practice for SMEs

The BLANC & FISCHER Group from Oberderdingen in Swabia started the transformation of its management culture with us in 2022.

Bernd Kratochwille, Head of Corporate Human Resources at BLANC & FISCHER Corporate Services GmbH & Co. KG.

Leadership culture in transition: Best practice for SMEs

More about the range of services
by Sabine Walter: